
    Kindergarten Reading Focus Skills
    Reading Skills

    --These skills are covered repeatedly over the course of the year--


    ·         Letter names

    ·         Letter sounds

    ·         Beginning, middle and ending sound

    ·         Blending 3-4 letter words

    ·         Decoding

    ·         Encoding

    ·         Syllables

    ·         Blend and segment phonemes

    ·         Onset and rime (blending)

    ·         Rhyming words

    ·         Word families

    ·         Words in oral sentence

    ·         Constructing simple sentences

    ·         Punctuation

    o   Period

    o   Question mark

    o   Exclamation point

    o   Quotation marks

    o   Comma

    ·         Spacing


    *Each night, if you go over the reading questions and Cuddle Conversations, you will touch upon each of these skills throughout the year as well*


    ·         Characters

    ·         Setting

    ·         Story structure (beginning, middle, end)

    ·         Problem/solution

    ·         Inferences

    ·         Predictions

    ·         Summarize

    ·         Clarify

    ·         Analyze text

    ·         Evaluate text

    ·         Cause and effect

    ·         Visualize

    ·         Compare and contrast

    ·         Drawing conclusions

    ·         Text and graphic features

    ·         Author’s purpose

    ·         Author’s word choice

    ·         Sequence of events

    ·         Main Idea

    ·         Details

    ·         Figurative language



    Oral Reading Skills:

    ·         Fluency

    ·         Pause for punctuation

    ·         Expression