    Hello ! Welcome to my Homepage!

    Email Address:lbuss@manasquan.k12.nj.us
    Phone number: 732-528-8810 Ext. 2406

    To My Second Graders,
    Welcome to Second Grade-Mrs. Buss's Homepage!
    "In motivating people, you've got to engage their minds and their hearts.  I motivate people, I hope by example-and perhaps by excitement, by having productive ideas to make others feel involved" (Unknown)
                 Major: Elementary Education
                 Second Major:Humanities
                 33 credits in English
                Area of Certification: Elementary Education K-8
    Honors: PhiThetaKappa Society for Excellence
                 Dean Scholar at Georgain Court University
    Philosophy of Education
         My professional mission as a teacher is to encourage all students to be active learners and to engage in authentic learning activities, which reflect students' interests and experiences.  Teachers must model for and try to instill in their students a life-long love of learning.  An effective teacher is one who empowers students with strategies and skills to discover and create knowledge and ideas independently.  I will guide students to develop critical thinking skills, personal and social values, and civic virtues in the context of a changing society.  While focusing on each student, I will plan problem-solving lessons that embrace individual strengths, individual needs, varied learning styles, and developmentally appropriate tasks.  By creating an atmosphere of acceptance, risk-taking and encouragement, I will challenge students to reach their full potentials and exercise their cognitive abilities.
         In my classroom I will create a positive learning environment where my students are eager to explore, take risks, share ideas and acquire knowledge.  My enthusiasm and energy will excite and motivate my students to learn.  My courses in education technology help me towards my goal of successfully incorporating technology into my classroom.  I feel it is important to establish clear expectations for student behavior and to communicate logical consequences for failure to comply with class rules.
         I will constantly search for new ideas and innovative teaching strategies, which actively engage each of my students in learning and motivate them to become lifelong learners.