• New Student Registration

    Parents of new students entering the Manasquan School District must now use our Open Registration Portal in advance of coming to one of our schools for a registration appointment or meeting with a school counselor.  This saves time for both you and us by ensuring that we have all of the necessary information and documents.

    We know that each student registration is different.  The Manasquan School District welcomes a variety of students — Manasquan residents, residents of our high school's sending districts, tuition students, and more.  Please review the information below before beginning your online registration to ensure you are following the appropriate steps and have the necessary materials ready.

    Begin Online Registration

    We recommend using a personal computer or laptop to complete your online registration.  The limited screen size of a mobile phone or other device may make it difficult to complete all of the required screens or upload required documents.

    For All New Students


    Students Entering Kindergarten

    • To be eligible for kindergarten, the child must be 5 years old on or before October 1.
    • If your child is currently enrolled in Manasquan Elementary School's Pre-K4 program, you do NOT need to complete online registration.

    Pre-K 3 & Pre-K 4 Registration for SY22-23

    MES has Pre-K for 3 and 4–year old students with September entry into the program. The full day Pre-K 4 program runs from 8:25AM–2:50PM and tuition is $3,000 annually. For the half day Pre-K 3 program, the morning session runs from 8:10AM–10:40AM and the afternoon session runs from 11:30AM–2:00PM and the tuition is $1,500 annually.
    Applications must apply online at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/MESPreKRegistration
    Enrollment is open to a limited number of preschool students without special needs. Students will be selected on a first come, first serve basis, with priority given to residents of Manasquan. Students currently enrolled in the Pre-K 3 program will be automatically selected for the Pre-K 4 program and should complete the application to confirm enrollment prior to the deadline.
