Walsh, Christin
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Educational Background
- Communication
- Find the Reading Level of your book
- KIndergarten
- First 300 Sight Words Flashcards
- Summer Reading Incoming Grades 1-5
- Entering Grades 1-2 Summer Reading BINGO BOARD
- Entering Grades 3-5 Summer Reading BINGO BOARD
- Incoming Grade 6 Mandatory Summer Reading List and Assignment
- Incoming Grade 7 Mandatory Summer Reading List and Assignment
- Incoming Grade 8 Mandatory Summer Reading List and Assignment
- Book Lists
- Helpful Links
- Articles for Parents
- My Calendar
- Virtual Learning Plan Grades K-2
- Manasquan Elementary School
- Virtual Learning Plan Grades K-2
Virtual Learning Plan Grades K-2
- Each student is asked to complete a "Flight Check" on RazKids in each grade k-2 each week.
To access RazKids click on the class links below
Or you can go to Ms. Kopec's homepage
- https://www.manasquanschools.org/Page/4490 and Click on the RazKids Link on the lefthand side
- Find your teacher link under the grade levels
- Once you are on your class link look for your name
- Click on your personal icon password
If you do not remember your password email Mrs. Walsh and she will get it to you. cwalsh@manasquan.k12.us
Once you accept that you have the time to complete the "Flight Check"
It must be completed in one sitting (takes about 10 minutes)
After reading the story, you will be asked to retell the story in your own words (also recorded)
Then you might have a short 5 question quiz
Feel Free to contact me (Mrs. Walsh) with any questions or comments.
I miss all of you! I cannot wait to hear you read.
KindergartenMrs. HillMrs. LeybovichFirst GradeMrs. RodriguezMrs. KirkSecond GradeMrs. BussMrs. SayreMrs. Mead