• Grades K-5 have health class one day per week.

    K-5 Grading Policy:

    Classwork, Following Directions, and The Great Body Shop Unit assignments 100%



    6, 7th & 8th graders attend health for one full marking period 4 days per week. 

    6th, 7th & 8th Grade Policy:

    All assignments, quizzes, projects and tests receive points. All points are totaled together and averaged. That average is read as a percentage and has a corresponding letter grade.


    Examples of Assignments and weight of grade:

    Weekly Quizzes: 10pts (EACH) 8-10 Quizzes per Marking Period

    Participation/Cooperation: 20pts. (loss of points will occur from unexcused absence/tardy, disruptive behavior, non-participation)

    Special Assignment/Presentations/Projects 20pts


    **Points total may vary with each marking period due to different schedules and events that happen throughout the year**