•  Here you can find an overview of what we will be working on in each subject throughout the course of the year!  

    Mathematics: Place value, adding and Subtracting decimals, Multiplying Whole numbers, dividing by 1 and 2 digit divisors, multiplying & dividing decimals, numerical expressions, Patterns & Relationships, Adding & Subtracting Fractions, Adding & Subtracting Mixed Numbers, Multiplying & Dividing Mixed Numbers, Volumes of Solids, Units of Measure, Data, Classifying Plane Figures and coordinate Geometry. 

    Language Arts: Author’s Purpose, Story Structure, Cause & effect, sequencing, predicting, summarizing, compare/contrast, visualizing, questioning, inferencing through various genres and texts. Various grammar skills, spelling patterns and decoding of words. Writing to inform, persuade and entertain. 

    Science: Matter & Its Interactions, Motion & Stability (Forces & Interactions), Ecosystems (Interactions, Energy & Dynamics), Earth’s Systems.

    Social Studies: The strands of Social Studies & the Neolithic-Paleolithic Era, The Ancient Americas, Europe & America Meet, Geography & Map Skills.