Mrs. Ward's Classroom Procedures
(A full set of policies and rules were sent home to be signed and returned. This is an abridged version. Parents will be informed of procedures on Back-to-School Night.)
Classroom Rules
- Be in your seat when the 2nd bell rings.
- Bring all books and necessary materials to class.
- Follow direction the first time they are given.
- Raise your hand and wait to be called on.
- Do not talk while the teacher is talking.
- Treat each person with respect and dignity. No swearing, teasing, or bullying.
- Follow all classroom procedures to ensure a productive environment.
Discipline Policy
All students are expected to follow the classroom, as well as school rules. Students will be informed of the discipline policy. Any changes to the policy is at the discretion of the teacher.
Homework is expected to be completed and handed in on-time. Students will receive a late grade for any homework that is not handed in on time. Students are responsible for copying down the homework every night into their homework pads. Homework will also be posted on my website, but should only be used as a back-up.
Make-up Procedure
In the event of an absence, students are responsible for picking up their missed work in the back of the classroom. There are folders labeled with each day of the week. The folders will have the missed work inside of them. Missed assignments should be completed in a timely fashion.
Extra Help
Extra help will be on Wednesdays from 3:00-3:45 for 6th graders. Extra help will be on Mondays during 6th period for 7th graders. If you cannot attend an extra help session, please see me and we will try to make another arrangement.
I am looking forward to a positive and exciting school year! I can be reached via e-mail and telephone. My e-mail address is My telephone number is 732-528-8810 ext. 2305.