- Manasquan High School
- Innovation Lab
- NJ STEAM TANK Challenge
NJ STEAM TANK Challenge Overivew
STEAM Tank™ Challenge - New Jersey School Boards Association (njsba.org)
Students interested in creating, or working with, a NJ STEAM TANK Challenge Team should speak with Mrs. Edwards or Mr. Snyder to be kept up-to-date on activities.
2024 NJSBA STEAM Tank Finalist & 5x Award-winning team: TiltForge Gaming
Note: All 2020 NJ STEAM TANK competitions were cancelled due to COVID-19.
25 of our 2019-2020 teams were accepted to present at Semi-Finals/Regionals prior to shutdown.
General Schedule:
First Year:
September - December - teams of 2-5 students prepare their initial STEAM TANK entry (work with Mrs. Edwards & Mr. Snyder)
December - initial entries are due to Mrs. Edwards for submission to NJSBA for consideration within the NJ STEAM TANK Challenge
Jan (late) - MHS STEAM TANK Showcase is held (invitation only)
March/April - NJ Central Region Semi-Finals are held (invitation only)
April/May - notification by NJSBA of teams moving on to the finals in May
May (late) - NJ State STEAM TANK Finals are held
June - winners are announced
Second Year:
October (early) - NJSBA Showcase of NJ State STEAM TANK Finalist Teams, finalists were selected by NJSBA in prior year. Held in Atlantic City @ NJSBA Workshop (invitation only)
November - NJEA Showcase of NJ State STEAM TANK Finalist Teams are invited to present in Atlantic City @ NJEA Teacher's Conference (invitation only)
Learn More:
Email steamtank@njsba.org or visit our STEAM Tank™️ Facebook page for more information on the STEAM Tank™️ Challenge.