Contact Information
Email: mhillman@manasquan.k12.nj.us
Phone Extension: X1804
Extra help: Mondays in room 109, 2:30-3:15
Tuesday-Thursday in room 109 by appointment
Hello! My name is Meghan Hillman. I have been teaching for seventeen years, and this is my fourteenth year here at Manasquan High School. I graduated from The College of New Jersey in 2002 with a BA in English. After working at a daily newspaper for two years and a half years, I went back to TCNJ to earn my master's degree in teaching, graduating in 2005.
I set high expectations for my students in and out of the classroom, and there are three primary goals that we will be working toward this year:
1) I want my students to become better writers. In order to accomplish this task, students must write and write and write and write and write!!!
2) I want my students to become independent thinkers. Discussion and debate are critical elements of the class, and I want students to be able to articulate their thoughts and opinions while participating in an intelligent, respectful exchange of ideas.
3) I want to make the literature relevant and interactive. When students can relate to the material or forge a personal connection to the text, they build a passion for literature. I don't want students simply to read. I want them to experience.
2021-2022 Courses: English IV and Honors English II