- Manasquan High School
- Clubs and Activities
Academic Team
Compete with local and high school teams in a Jeopardy-type question and answer format on a wide range of both academic and trivia topics. Interested students should contact Mrs. Crowning in Room 351 or email her at lcrowning@manasquan.k12.nj.us
Open to all grade levels and all academic levels. Have fun and share your knowledge! Follow us on Instagram @squan_academic_team.
Art Club
The Art Club gives students the opportunity to participate in art related activities in the community, such as murals on store windows.
This acts like a page where you can include more detailed information (like how to join) and anything else that you'd like to include.
You can include images or links or anything else that could be on a webpage.
Band is a performance ensemble through which students learn to read music, play musical instruments, and develop teamwork, commitment, and dedication.
Band is a performing arts elective that is part of the students’ daily schedule. The band puts on numerous performances throughout the school year and participates in activities such as football games, basketball games, the Manasquan tree lighting, holiday parades, and a fun trip each year, too!
Members of the band may audition for honors groups such as the Warrior Jazz Band, all Shore Band, Region II and All State Band. Participants in band are eligible for a school Varsity Letter after completing two years in band. Please view our main site for more information.
Book Club
Attention all readers! Be a part of our literary circle! The book club is a flexible group, so there’s no pressure to commit every month. Please feel free to join us when you have the time! Reach out to Mrs. Hillman in room 109 if you have any questions!
Chess Club
The purpose of the Chess Club is for students to enjoy the game of chess. Beginners can learn the game, others can continue to sharpen their skills. Check it out, all are welcome.
- Meetings are every Monday after school (2:30pm - 3:30pm) in the Media Center
- We also have free play available during Unit Lunch (A DAYS ONLY!)
- To join, just simply come to one of our meetings with your ID and request to be added to the Canvas page or email Mr. Castanheira (pcastanheira@manasquan.k12.nj.us)
A performing vocal ensemble where students will learn skills of harmonizing, reading music, and healthy singing!
Concert Choir is a performing arts elective that is a part of the students daily schedule. Beginning in spring of 2023, two extra-curricular choir's will be introduced. This is a great opportunity for students who cannot fit choir into their schedule but still want to sing at MHS. The Choir studies notation, music theory, and sight reading. There are multiple performances throughout the year. There are opportunities for solos and field trips. Each season there is a mandatory concert performance. Choir is a great way to find your family within the halls of MHS and be amongst peers who all enjoy the power of singing.
Dance Club
The Dance Club offers students the opportunity to connect to dance through additional performance opportunities, assisting with behind the scenes of our shows and celebrating the art of dance!
The MHS Dance Club aims to enrich the MHS dance program by highlighting the special talents of Manasquan High School students in the area of dance.
This club promotes an appreciation of dance and performance through collaboration. This club will offer additional performance opportunities for students who are interested in performing solos, duos, trios or small group pieces in upcoming dance shows. Students are not required (but encouraged!) to be enrolled in a dance class in order to participate in the dance club.
Students can also join dance club and help out behind the scenes! Students can contribute art work for programs, assist with running the lights and sound, help out with costumes, plan fundraising initiatives, assist backstage and more!
Follow us on Social Media!
Instagram: @mhsdance__
YouTube: Manasquan High School Performing Arts
Facebook: Manasquan HS Dance
Please contact mgalano@manasquan.k12.nj.us with any questions.
Drama Club
The Drama Club presents a fall play and a musical each year! Students who love to sing, dance, act, build, paint, design, create, or work behind the scenes with lights, sound, props have a spot here.
The Drama Club presents a fall play which is usually student directed/written. These plays are short comedies that highlight our student actors. Then, in the spring, we present a musical to highlight the work of our singers and dancers. In every production, student crews are a huge part of the process. From designing lights, to working with professional sound, helping set the stage/props, and coordinating the costumes, there is so much to do.
Esports Team
We invite both 'Gamers' and 'Student Production Team' members to join our SquanHS Esports Team and compete in Garden State Esports League (GSE) competitions.
What is the Manasquan High School Esports Team?
We are a year-round, student-run academic club offering an engaging Esports experience in our dedicated arena (room 464). Students can join anytime and participate in casual Community Lunch sessions, after-school Varsity/JV competitions, and various events and trips.
Both gamers and non-gamers are welcome to join as players or production team members. We compete in the Garden State Esports League (GSE) and compete/attend the Fall, Winter, and Spring state championships held in-person around the state. Varsity and production members are eligible for a Varsity Letter.
Our game lineup changes annually based on student interest, and we offer opportunities for both competitive players and casual participants to get gaming! We communicate through our club's Canvas course and our school team's Discord server.
Learn more: SquanHS Esports Team | Garden State Esports League (GSE)
Advisor: Mrs. Edwards
Location: Room 464
Meetings: Community Lunches
Matches: Room 464 @ 3:30 pm, Tues, Wed, & Thur (see schedule HERE)
Membership: Email your interest to Mrs. Edwards, aedwards@manasquan.k12.nj.us or come visit us in 464 during lunch
Team Communication Methods: Canvas Club Course & SquanHS Esports Discord Server
Dues: None - NOTE: To join our club, email Mrs. Edwards from your school email (Outlook). She'll invite you to our Canvas Club site and send you an invitation code to join our SquanHS Esports Discord Server.
Environmental Club
Our club serves the community of Manasquan by participating in a lot of community service activities such as beach and town clean-ups
The Manasquan High School Environmental Club is an opportunity for the student body to not only become involved in a club but also make a real difference in our community both locally and abroad. Students involved in the club are making a difference by coming to meetings, sharing ideas and participating in activities. This gives them the opportunity to be introduced to other students and professionals who share the same passion for improving our environment. Our students have taken a sincere interest in their community and their contributions have earned them recognition. Most importantly, they are changing their world for the better. The Environmental Club has grown in size, spirit and determination. All of the members want to make a difference, have their voices heard and most importantly they want to help the environment. At meetings, we open the floor to any ideas. This has led us to creating new projects such as…can top collections, on-line petitions signed by our members, fundraisers for eco-diasters. Local community projects include helping the Manasquan Environmental Commission and the Manasquan Garden Club. Together, the students of Manasquan High School Environmental Club and the community are making a difference to keep our area healthy, green and prosperous. Students can join just by showing up to events o meeting anytime. If you want to join just contact Mr. Glenn or Mr. Wasnesky by seeing them in person or emailing them at school.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FCA is a non-denominational group of athletes, coaches and students that meet to engage in fellowship, prayer and a study of the Bible.
What is the Fellowship of Christian Athletes?
FCA is a non-denominational group of athletes, coaches and students that meet to engage in fellowship, prayer and a study of the Bible. FCA presents the challenge of accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. FCA is open to all grades. and all students Students meet once a week during unit lunch in room 354 from 11:00am to 11:20am. An FCA Activity Night will be held in the Fall and Spring in the HS gymnasium. You can visit the FCA website at www.fcanj.org.
Advisor Mr Freda
Location: Room 354
Meetings: Wednesdays 11:00am-11:20am
Membership: Open to all students and staff
Dues: no fees
Improv Club
Enjoy some stress relief and laugh while playing improv games each month. Meeting dates posted outside room 111.
Contact Mr. Harvey at hharvey@manasquan.k12.nj.us to find out about meeting dates, or take a pic of the poster outside room 111.
Fishing Club
The MHS Fishing Club is open to all students who want to learn how to fish the fresh and salt waters of the Jersey Shore.
The fishing club hosts monthly meetings at MHS which involve members giving fishing presentations and guest speakers from all walks of the fishing industry such as local experts, notable fishing celebrities, party and charter captains, retail tackle shop owners, local fishing clubs, Division of Fish and Wildlife, and conservation and environmental groups. The club also fishes together, hosts fishing tournaments, youth education programs for Manasquan Elementary School and sending districts, coordinates activities with MHS Environmental club and are involved with the local community to obtain community service hours.
For more information on how to join the fishing club, email Mr. Freda at jfreda@manasquan.k12.nj.us
French/Spanish/Italian National Honor Society
The Italian French and Spanish National Honor Society is an organization dedicated to promoting the study of Foreign Languages at MHS. Students are eligible to apply to the Honor Society after completing Level 3 of either Italian, Spanish, or French.
Advisor: Mrs. McGovern
Email address: amcgovern@manasquan.k12.nj.us
Location: Room 202
Meetings: Meetings will be held once a month to discuss upcoming events. Once inducted, members will be added to an MHS Canvas class for all announcements and meeting reminders.
Membership: Members must be accepted and inducted
Application process: Applications will be distributed in October of each school year in levels 4, 4h, and AP. Students must have completed the 3rd level of the language of study in order to apply. The SFINHS induction is held in the fall or winter.
$10.00 for current members
$15.00 for new members
Future Business Leaders of America
FBLA’s mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.
Advisor- Linda Hoeler
Contact - lhoeler@manasquan.k12.nj.us
Meetings are held monthly during unit lunch in room 121.
Applications will be accepted until September 20th. In order to apply, you must be in a business class each year you are a member of the club. You must maintain an 85 average in academic subject,
Garden Club
Garden Club is a service club based on beautification of our school grounds and community gardens, as well as educational experiences in horticulture. Interested students should see Mrs. Crowning in Room 351 or email her at lcrowning@manasquan.k12.nj.us
We run an in-school service for staff called Foliage Friends, as well as run a plant sale in the spring. Follow us on Instagram @squangardenclub. We are diggin' it!
History Club
A society of members who have shown aptitude and interest in the field of history
Open to MHS Juniors and Seniors who have recorded at least an 87 GPA in all history classes, the Seawant Chapter of the Rho Kappa History Honors Society at Manasquan High School is an organization of students dedicated to learning and preserving history.
Interest forms are generally due in September with the application window lasting into December and concluding with a Spring Induction Ceremony.
Please email Mr. Critelli or visit room 565 for information on how to apply!
rcritelli@manasquan.k12.nj.us -
International Club
The Mission of MHS International Club is to spread Manasquan School Spirit through an international lens. Our motto is “When you live internationally, you THRIVE”.
We have dedicated students from all grades, backgrounds and interests who take their time to enrich the school experience for everyone at Manasquan High School. We are consistently working to enhance international awareness, cooperation, cultural diversity and dialogue among students. Members work together to develop and participate in cultural experiences as well as community service initiatives. The International Club collaborates with other groups at Manasquan High School to provide opportunities to enhance their overall high school experience.
Activities – decorating for internationally themed proms, creation of a float for Homecoming, a local guac-off (guacamole tasting), world food day celebration, international day of human rights celebration and t-shirt sale, fundraisers at Pancheros, and participation in field trips. For more information, please contact agriffith@manasquan.k12.nj.us
Italian Club
The Italian Club welcomes students interested in exploring the Italian language and culture through regional customs, traditions and food. Reach out to Prof.ssa Russo with any questions!
The Italian Club welcomes students interested in exploring the Italian language and culture through regional customs, traditions and food. Our monthly meetings will be held in room 203. In the event of any changes you will be notified. For any new or returning members, please fill out the survey below so that you can be added to our Canvas page.
Venite ad esplorare la cultura italiana con noi!
Prof.ssa Russo can be reached at: rrusso@manasquan.k12.nj.us
Junior State of America
The JSA aims to promote civic engagement, leadership, and political awareness among high school students.
The JSA is a student-led organization dedicated to providing opportunities for students to learn about government, debate current issues, develop leadership skills, and actively participate in their communities, preparing them to be informed and engaged citizens in a democratic society.
Key Club
The Key Club is a community service organization dedicated to service in our community.
The Key Club, one of the largest clubs at MHS, is a community service organization whose members volunteer many hours over the course of their high school years to various organizations both within the high school and our surrounding communities. The Key Club Motto is “Caring – Our Way of Life.” Members are required to perform and document a minimum of 30 community service hours per year. Applications for new members are collected in September and are inducted in October. Meetings are held monthly on Tuesdays after school in the cafeteria. Contact Mrs. Basaman at rbasaman@manasquan.k12.nj.us or Mrs. Hoeler at lhoeler@manasquan.k12.nj.us for information.
Life Is Good Club
Life Is Good Club promotes positivity and resiliency within the school and community by creating fun and integrating activities throughout the school year.
The Goal of the Life is good Club is to promote a positive attitude and outlook within our school and community. The goal is achieved through the collaboration of our enthusiastic members to establish the Life is Good Day celebration and additional uplifting events throughout the school year.
Magazine: The Clipper
Celebrate Student Art & Writing!
The Clipper is a publication dedicated to our students and their writings. This collection of creative writing captures the unique ability of our MMS students. It creates a memorable place where students can admire the art and writing talents of their peers and also showcase their own work! Join us for this fun adventure into teenage literary world! Please see Mrs. Podos in Room 214 on Mondays to help build this lasting memory of Squan's finest student writers!
Math Honor Society: Mu Alpha Theta
Mu Alpha Theta (ΜΑΘ) is the United States Mathematics Honor Society.
Its main goals are to inspire keen interest in mathematics, develop strong scholarship in the subject, and promote the enjoyment of mathematics in high school and two-year college students. The name is a rough transliteration of math into Greek (Mu Alpha Theta).
Math League
Math League is an organized state competition in Mathematics.
It is open to students in Algebra 2 Honors and higher. Participants take a test six times a year. The students have the opportunity to be recognized for their achievements on a state level and often times to earn extra credit in their math class. Please contact Ms. Zdanowicz for any other information: kzdanowicz@manasquan.k12.nj.us
Mock Trial
The Mock Trial Club is designed for those students who have an interest in trials, debating, or pursuing a career in law
Award Winning and Back-to-Back Runner Up Mock Trial Team
The Mock Trial Team, also known as "Squan Gavel" is designed for those students who have an interest in trials, debating, or pursuing a career in law.
In the club, students take on the role of attorney, witness, and juror in a simulated legal trial. The Monmouth County Trial Tournament is held each year in late January/early February, where students compete against other high school teams.
Contact Mr. Critelli via email or visit him in room 565 if interested in joining.
rcritelli@manasquan.k12.nj.us -
Model UN
Take on the role of a delegate to the United Nations and compete against other schools
Model United Nations
Model United Nations is a club for students who are interested in diplomacy, politics, economics, and world affairs. Students will learn about different countries and their cultures as well as diplomatic processes at the international level.
The club culminates with Model UN events which allow students to compete with their peers at MHS or other schools. Students will take on the role of a delegate representing a country and will try to come to international agreements with other student delegates to solve real world problems.
If interested, please reach out to Mr. Critelli via email or visit him in room 565.
rcritelli@manasquan.k12.nj.us -
National Honor Society
NHS is one of the oldest and most recognized organizations. The goal is to promote scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Only Juniors and Seniors are eligible.
Students will receive a letter of eligibility to apply to the National Honor Society if they meet the academic requirements. For more information on the application process, contact cmchugh@manasquan.k12.nj.us.
Newspaper: The Blue and Gray
The MHS student newspaper, published monthly.
The Blue & Gray is the Manasquan High School student newspaper. Join the staff by enrolling in Journalism Workshop as one of your elective classes in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade.
If you’re not enrolled in the class, you can still get involved! Stop by room 112 after school on Mondays, meet newspaper adviser Mr. Mawn, and start working on a story. It’s that easy!
Click here to view our current issue, and older issues as well. Enjoy!!
Ping-Pong Club
Any student can join and play table tennis after school once a month, from beginners to veterans. Dates are posted outside room 111.
Contact Mr. Harvey at hharvey@manasquan.k12.nj.us to find out about meeting dates, or take a pic of the poster outside room 111.
Psychology Club
The purpose of a Psychology Club is to foster interest and understanding in the field of psychology by providing students with opportunities for learning, discussion, and exploration of psychological concepts and careers.
The Psychology Club aims to deepen students' interest in and understanding of psychology by creating a space for learning, discussion, and exploration of various psychological concepts, theories, and practices. It provides opportunities for members to engage in activities such as guest lectures, workshops, research projects, and group discussions, which help to broaden their knowledge and expose them to different career paths within the field. The club also fosters a sense of community among students who share a passion for psychology, encouraging collaboration and peer support in academic and professional development.
Science National Honor Society
SNHS is a service-based honor society to promote excellence and creative thinking in the field of science. Need more information in regard to qualifications? See Mrs. Crowning in Room 351 or email at lcrowning@manasquan.k12.nj.us
Open to candidates by invitation and GPA/course work each spring. Follow us on Instagram @squan.snhs.
Science League
Student Council
A student run organization that promotes school spirit and activities for all Manasquan students.
President: Joey Presbrey
Vice President: Cassidy Murray
Treasurer: Ally Attardo
Secretary: Megan Liggett
Senior Advisors: Mrs. Koenig and Mrs. Podos
Junior Advisors: Mrs. Heeter and Mrs. Onorato
Sophomore Advisors: Mrs. Canonaco and Mrs. Hall
Freshmen Advisors: Ms. Griffiths and Mrs. Choma
Please see and advisor or member of the Student Council for more information :)
Vibe Tribe
Vibe Tribe is an exciting club at Manasquan High School that brings together students with diverse backgrounds to foster a sense of community and belonging.
The Vibe Tribe organizes a variety of events and activities designed to promote cultural awareness, personal growth, school spirit, and social interaction among its members. Through its inclusive approach and vibrant energy, Vibe Tribe aims to create a welcoming environment where students can express themselves and build lasting friendships. The club meets during Community Lunch and after school.
“Find Your Tribe”
Contact Mr. Rostron at brostron@manasquan.k12.nj.us for more information.
Warriors for Wellness
Warriors for Wellness is a club that engages students, staff, and the community. Our focus is wellness for all, and we will be doing this in many ways. Monthly awareness of diseases, food drives, toys for tots, funraising events, community out reach for wellness, anti-bullying promotion with our see something say something box, and wellness challenges. This club is open to all, and everyone should want to be a WARRIOR FOR WELLNESS!
What is the Warriors for Wellness Club?
Manasquan Warriors for Wellness will be working on various aspects of wellness.
The students will be learning about and promoting awareness every month of different illnesses and diseases that affect society and our community.
Warriors for Wellness will be liaisons and anti-bullying advocates within MHS.
Warriors for Wellness will be promoting wellness for all staff, students, family members, and peers with wellness challenges throughout the year.
Warriors for Wellness will be offered opportunities to volunteer within the community.
Warriors for Wellness will be accumulating volunteer hours.
Warriors for Wellness will be collecting food monthly for our local food pantries, and toys for tots around the holidays.
Long term goals include raising funds and building a school Zen Garden to build a beautiful unique space for students to decompress, care for the space, and beautify and take pride in a beautiful area on MHS grounds!
This will be a fun and proactive group that will devote time to advocating for peers, promoting awareness, building self-wellness, encouraging community wellness, school wellness for students and staff, and advocating for anti-bullying.
Advisor: Mrs. Valerie Hannafey (Nurse Val)
Location: Room 111
Meetings: Wednesdays through the school year (announced the Monday before) during Community Lunch
Membership: Open to all students
Welcome Warriors
The Welcome Warriors are our student ambassadors who help our incoming freshmen and new students to our district acclimate to their new school. This club helps organize events like Freshmen and New Student Orientation, Back to School Night, and Open House.
Students who are interested in becoming a Welcome Warrior, should email Mrs. Eldridge at meldridge@manasquan.k12.nj.us for more information.
Writing Club
Join the Yearbook by signing up for Print Media as your elective class sophomore, junior, or senior year!
Print Media is offered as a full year elective for students with an interest in photography, journalism, and graphic design. Email atesta@manasquan.k12.nj.us for more information!