• Drama Course Offerings

    INTRODUCTION TO ACTING - This course is a basic introduction to the art of acting. Students will learn a basic history of the stage, basic acting methodology, techniques, voice and stage presence. Students will also learn how to prepare for a role and develop a stage character. Students will use improvisation as a theatre technique.


    MUSICAL THEATRE - will study four vocal selections, working in a masters-class format. Students will rehearse duets and full production numbers combining dance as well as studying the history of musical theatre and its relevance in our modern society. Throughout two marking periods, students will study four vocal solos from the classical, golden age, and contemporary periods of musical theatre. Students will rehearse duets and full production numbers combining dance as well as studying the history of musical theatre and its relevance in our modern society. By the end of the semester, students will have multiple 16 and 32-bar cuts, audition practice, a resume, headshot, and healthy/safe vocal technique. There will be a performance after-school at the end of the semester. Students should be able to read sheet music and feel comfortable singing solo in front of their peers before signing up for this class. It is recommended (not required) that this course is taken in conjunction with Concert Choir.


    Extra Curricular Activities:

    Drama Club - The Drama Club is an organization that produces major theatrical works, including a musical every year.  Rehearsals are after school, evenings and weekends depending on the production schedule.  The Drama Club has many performances during the year and there are many positions open, from actor to stage hand.  Lighting, sound and props are a few of the crews needed.  The only requirement for Drama Club is an interest in theatre.

    Drama Club