- Manasquan High School
- Overview
MHS Student Handbook 2024-2025
The rules you are about to read in this code of conduct are in addition to our broad, discretionary authority to maintain safety, order, and discipline inside the school zone. These rules support, but do not limit, our authority.
- Mission Statement
- Manasquan Board of Education
- Principal's Message
- Telephone Directories
- 2024-2025 School Calendar
- Daily Rotation Calendar
- High School Bell Schedules
- Expectations for Student Behavior
- Code of Conduct Policy
- Student Dress Code
- Weapons/Dangerous Instruments
- Bus Conduct and Laws
- Student Identification Cards
- Substance Abuse/NJSIAA Steroid Testing Policy
- Attendance
- The Use of Technology in Education
- Harassment/Bullying
- Affirmative Action
- Cheating/Plagiarism
- Lockers
- Arrival and Dismissal
- Academic Integrity Pledge
- Code of Conduct Policy
- School Counseling Services
- National Honor Society Requirements
- Family Life Education
- Student Records
- Senior Final Exams
- Make Up Work
- Intervention & Referral Services
- Health Services
- Emergency Evacuations
- Fire Drills
- Visitors
- Incoming Calls/Messages
- Student Activities
- Eligibility Policy
- Sportsmanship
- High School Representative to the Board of Education
- Student Journalism
- Asbestos Management Plan
- Integrated Pest Managemement
- Procedure for Public Complaints/Grievance
- Alma Mater