- Manasquan High School
- School Counseling Services
School Counseling Services
The Philosophy of the counseling program in Manasquan High School is that school counseling is an essential, integral part of the educational process. Counselors provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing the academic, career and personal/social development of all students. As student advocates, counselors recognize the uniqueness, dignity, and personal worth of each individual. In an interactive process, the counselor facilitates student academic achievement. Counselors work collaboratively with students, parents, educators, and community members to support each student’s ability to contribute at the highest level as productive members of society.
The Manasquan High School Guidance curriculum includes:Classroom Guidance:
Academic skills support
Organizational, study, and test-taking skills
Post-secondary planning and application process
Career planning
Education in understanding self and others
Coping strategies
Peer relationships and effective social skills
Communication, problem-solving, decision-making, conflict resolution, and study skills
Career awareness and the world of work
Substance abuse education
Multicultural/diversity awareness
Individual Student Planning
Goal setting
Academic plans
Career plans
Problem solving
Education in understanding of self, including strengths and weaknesses
Transition plans
Responsive Services
Individual and small-group counseling
Individual/family/school crisis intervention
Peer facilitation
System Support
Professional development
Consultation, collaboration and teaming
Program management and operation
Source: American School Counselor Association
The School Counseling Department maintains an extensive web page which can be found at www.manasquanschools.k12.nj.us. This site contains valuable links to numerous resources, including but not limited to a complete and up-to-date listing of all local scholarship sources for our seniors.
The Course Offering book is available in the School Counseling Office or the Manasquan School District website. This book is designed to provide you with a concise summary of all opportunities available for your educational career at Manasquan High School.
How to See Your School Counselor
Students may stop in the School Counseling Office to fill out a form to arrange a meeting with the counselor. Students can also reach out to their counselor via email.
Please contact your guidance counselor accordingto grade level and alphabetical breakdown.
Requirements For Graduation
All students must earn a minimum of 150 credits over the four (4) years that they attend high school. Five (5) credits are earned with the successful completion of all full semester courses. Physical Education and Health are adjusted based on the time spent in either Physical Education or Health.
The following courses must be included in the 150 credits required:
English I, II, III, IV 20 credits
Physical Ed/Health I, II, III, IV 20 credits
World History 5 credits
United States History I and II 10 credits
Biology PLUS TWO additional sciences 15 credits
Mathematics 15 credits
Computer Course 5 credits
Visual and/or Performing Art* 5 credits
World Language 5 credits
Career Education, Consumer, Family Life Skills or Vocational
Tech.* Education 5 credits
Financial Literacy 2.5 credits
*For a complete list of courses that satisfies these requirements, please consult School Counselor.
Credit Requirement
(Minimum Progress to the High School Diploma)
A student will move from:
Grade 9 to 10 if he/she has earned 35 credits
Grade 10 to 11 if he/she has earned 70 credits
Grade 11 to 12 if he/she has earned 110 credits
Grading System
Grades will be recorded on report cards using a numerical system. The lowest grade recorded for grading purposes for marking periods will be 55. Grades recorded for final exams will be the grade actually earned. Teachers may record lower grades during the marking period and for the mid-term, but 55 will be the minimum grade used for report card grades, with the exception of the final exam. For final exams only, teachers can record the grade earned on the final exam.
Grading Scale as of September 2020:
Final Grade Computation
The district’s grading policy is used to compute final grades. Teachers devise a system for each marking period; i.e. value of quizzes, tests, homework, classroom participation, etc. Such grading systems should be known and approved by the department supervisor. Students should be informed of the teacher’s grading system at the beginning of the year.
Full year course: Each marking period is equivalent to 20%. The Mid Term Exam is equivalent to 10% and the Final Exam is equivalent to 10%.
Semester course: Each marking period is equivalent to 45%. The Final Exam is equivalent to 10%.
Three quarter course: Each marking period is equivalent to 30%. The Final Exam is equivalent to 10%.
One quarter course: The marking period is equivalent to 90%. The Final Exam is equivalent to 10%.
Senior Final Exam Exemptions
A Senior (Grade 12) student who completes a course with an average of 90 or higher, as determined by averaging the Semester 1 average with the average of the third and fourth marking period grades; will be exempt from taking the final exam. There will be no exemptions from midterm exams. In the case of semester courses, where the exam is actually a final exam, seniors who have earned at least a 90 average for marking periods one and two, will be exempt from the semester course final exam.
Advanced Placement Courses
Students who enroll in Advanced Placement (AP) courses are required to participate in the end of year AP exam developed by College Board. These dates are published in September of the school year, and attendance is mandatory for each exam. The Manasquan Board of Education covers the $96 per exam fee. Beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, an additional 10 points will be added to the cumulative weighted average of the final AP course grade. Students who fail to take the AP exam will forfeit the additional 10 points added to the final course grade.
Honors Classes
An additional 7 points is will be added to the cumulative weighted average of all honors level final course grades.
Honor Roll
High Honor Roll: 90 or higher marking period average in all classes, with no grade below a 90.
Regular Honor Roll: 80 or higher marking period average in all classes, with no grade below a 80.
An "I" on a report card in lieu of a grade indicates that the marking period grade or the final grade cannot be computed because the student's academic work is incomplete. Incomplete grades must be satisfactorily completed within two weeks after report cards are issued or they will automatically be changed to 60 unless the subject teacher requests, in writing, that the grade be held "I" because of extenuating circumstances.
Progress Reports
Students' progress reports will be available online between marking periods to parents of students. These reports do not necessarily mean that a student is failing, but a deficiency is noted which needs correction, or to alert the parent of the student's academic achievement.
Extra Help
You may always seek extra help from your teacher if you do not understand an assignment, if the work is difficult, or if you have been absent and have missed assignments and class discussions. Arrange a conference with your teacher before or after school or at a time convenient to both of you during the day. Please contact your school counselor for specific extra help schedules.
Any student who requires a transcript sent to a college should have a transcript request form filled out and signed by his/her parent or guardian and returned to his/her guidance counselor. Requests should be made at least two weeks prior to the college's deadline. Transcripts are free of charge.
Course Change Requests
- No Subject/Course required for graduation may be dropped. Consult your counselor, if necessary.
- Subject/Course drops may adversely affect Athletic/Activities Eligibility. Consult your counselor, if necessary.
Friday, September 23, 2024: Deadline for all for-credit Course/Subject changes of any kind
Friday, October 4, 2024: Course/Subject dropped after this date is a Withdrawal. A grade of "WP" or "WF" for the course will be recorded by the teacher and it will appear on the student's report card and transcript.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024: Deadline for all full-year Course/Subject level changes of any kind (AP to Honors; Honors to College Prep). Please note the current grade will be transferred with student and the final grade GPA is based on the level of the course transferred too.
Friday, February 7, 2025: Deadline for all semester 2 Course/Subject changes of any kind.
Friday, February 27, 2025: A semester 2 Course/Subject dropped after this date is a Withdrawal. A grade of "WP" or "WF" for the course will be recorded by the teacher and it will appear on the student's report card and transcript.
Progress Report and Marking Period Dates
Marking Period 1 Close Date:11/6/2024Marking Period 2 Close Date:1/17/2025 Marking Period 3 Close Date:4/7/2025Marking Period 4 Close Date:6/20/2025Progress Report: IR1 Mid-Point Date10/2/2024Progress Report: IR2 Mid-Point Date12/10/2024Progress Report: IR3 Mid-Point Date3/3/2025Progress Report: IR4 Mid-Point Date5/13/2025 -