- Manasquan High School
- Academic Integrity Pledge
Manasquan High School
Academic Integrity Pledge
District Policy-#5701
This pledge details the requirements for establishing academic integrity in all Manasquan High School classes. Please read it carefully so that you understand the integrity policy and the potential consequences if it is violated.
Integrity Procedure:
The academic integrity guidelines of Manasquan High School encourage high ethical standards for teaching and learning with respect to knowledge, honesty, and fairness. At MHS, students are expected to maintain high standards of academic integrity and scholarly practice. This community does not tolerate academic misconduct of any variety, whether as a result of a failure to understand required academic and scholarly procedure or as an act of intentional dishonesty. Students are expected to understand and follow the policy for all academic tasks both in and out of the classroom. The academic integrity guidelines of this community stress doing one’s own work while avoiding all types of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to copying, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, stealing, misrepresentation, facilitation, buying, selling, or distributing information and unethical technology use.
The following levels are guidelines that an educator will use to determine appropriate interventions. The educator may vary interventions on a case-by-case basis.Workflow:
Students are responsible for obtaining all required work via teacher approved routes (i.e., in class, CANVAS, workflow application, etc.). Students are also responsible for submitting all work by the teacher-approved deadline either directly in-hand or via any online submission means. If submitted digitally, students must submit to the appropriate location by the required time (as determined by submission time stamp).
Students are responsible for making up any missed assignments and/or assessments by the next class day (i.e., If a student misses a class, they have until the following in person day to make up all missed work). Any student who misses an assessment due to an unexcused purpose, may not be eligible to make up the assessment (at teacher discretion). A teacher also reserves the right to provide an alternate assessment which must be completed within the reasonable timeframe.
It is the expectation students will act with academic integrity. Lack of adherence to these guidelines may result in loss of credit and/or other consequences as noted below.
Level I
- Copying another student’s homework or allowing one’s own homework to be copied.
- Unauthorized collusion (working together without prior teacher approval - as per assignment rubric).
- Failure to cite another’s work.
Suggested Interventions
- Zero for task with possible opportunity to re-do assignment (at teacher’s discretion).
- Notification to parent, counselor/CST, department supervisor, principal/vice-principal.
Level II
- Cheating during any graded assessment using any non-approved resource.
- Direct copying, cutting, or pasting or lifting whole sections of text without proper citation.
- Allowing one’s work to be copied during any graded assessment.
Suggested Interventions
- Zero for task with possible opportunity to re-submit assignment for reduced credit (at teacher’s discretion).
- Notification to parent, counselor/CST, department supervisor, principal/vice-principal.
Level III
- Assisting another student(s) in cheating directly or via digital communication.
- Sharing, receiving, assisting in, or utilizing stolen assessments (including tests or images of tests which have been taken from the classroom).
- Hindering, in any manner, the investigation of an academic offense claim.
- Accessing, through any means, test materials without proper authorization.
- Falsifying information or damaging another’s work on an assessment so that an unfair advantage is gained.
- Copying or buying a report, paper, project and submitting it as one’s own.
Suggested Interventions
- Zero for task with no opportunity to re-submit assignment.
- Notification of parent, counselor, and department supervisor.
- Submit referral to building principal/vice-principal per Policy #5701.
*Any offenses exceeding the levels given here will be handled using administrative discretion.
Manasquan High School Academic Integrity Pledge
I have carefully read and understand the Academic Integrity code which will be enforced in
_________________________ , and I agree to follow the requirements for academic integrity and understand the consequences for any violations.
Print Student Name _____________________________________________
Student Signature _____________________________________________ Date_____________
Parent/Guardian Name_____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________________ Date_____________