Fall Sports
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- Manasquan High School
- Boys Soccer
2024 Schedule:
Tryouts August 19-21. All prospective Manasquan soccer players are expected to attend all 3 days of tryouts and subsequent team training sessions. All 3 teams in the program will train during the season, Monday through Friday when there are no matches. Saturdays to be determined or scheduled matches. Off Sundays.
Aug. 19-22 7 am - 9:30 am - tryout/team training at SGAC.
8/23 7:30 am - 9:30. all 3 teams train. *** note practices now start at 7:30!
8/24 - 8 - 9 am. all 3 teams.(only if necessary to fulfill 6 practice to compete rule)
8/25 - off
8/26 - 7:30 - 9:30. all 3 teams train
*** 4 pm - Varsity intra squad scrimmage
8/27 - 10 am - scrimmage - Varsity and JV at Rahway
8/28 - 7:30 - 9:30 - all 3 teams train
*** 4 pm - Varsity intra squad scrimmage
8/29 - 9 am - scrimmage - Varsity and JV at Matawan
10:15 - scrimmage - Freshman at Matawan
8/30 - 7:30-9:30 - team training
8/31 - off.
9/1 - off
9/2 - off
9/3 - 4 pm scrimmage v Freehold Boro
9/4 - 3:15 - 4:45 all 3 teams train.
9/5 -3:15 - 4:45 all 3 teams train.
Regular Season:
9/6 - 3:45 - JV and Freshman v Wall
3:15 - Varsity training.
9/7 - 7 pm - Varsity at Wall. Wall Municipal Complex
9/9 - 3:15 training
9/10 - 3:15 training
9/11 - 3:15 training
9/12 - 4 pm - at Red Bank Regional.
9/13 - 3:15 training
9/14 - 10 am Varsity and JV at Raritan. No Freshman. **
9/16 - 3:15 training
9/17 - 3:45 - Varsity and JV v Marlboro *
5:15 - Freshmen v Marlboro
9/18 - 3:15 training
9/19 - 3:45 - Varsity and JV v Howell *
5:15 - Freshmen v Howell
9/20 - 3:15 training
9/21 - 10 am - Varsity and JV at Colts Neck **
11:15 - Freshmen at Colts Neck
9/23 - 3:45 - Varsity and JV v Jackson Liberty **
No Freshman
9/24 - 3:15 training
9/25 - Varsity, JV and Freshmen at CBA. Times TBD *
9/27 - 4 pm - Varsity and JV at Holmdel *
5:30 - Freshman at Holmdel
9/28 - off
9/30 - 3:15 training
10/1 - 3:45 - Varsity and JV v Long Branch *
5:15 - Freshmen v Long Branch
10/2 - 3:15 training
10-3 - 3:15 training
10-4 - 3:15 training
10/5 - 10 am - Varsity and JV v Mid South
11:15 - Freshmen v Mid South
10/7 - 3:45 - Varsity v RBC **
JV and Freshmen TBD
10/8 - 3:15 training
10/9 - 4 pm - Varsity and JV at Rumson *
5:30 - Freshmen at Rumson
10/11 - SCT cut off. All group stage matches must be played by this date.
* A North Division
** Shore Conference Tournament World Cup Qualifying Group
We will be playing a SCT match, a Coaches Cup match or a consolation match on all these days
other than the final.
10/16 - 1st round SCT
10/18 - 2nd round SCT
10/22 - Quarter Final SCT
10/24 - Semi Final SCT
10/26 - Final SCT
10/27 - 12 pm - State tournament power points cut off.
11/5 - 1st round of state tourney
11/8 or 11/9 - 2nd round
11/12 - sectional semi final
11/15 or 11/16 - sectional final
11/19 - state semi final
11/23 or 11/24 - state final
Impact Test – every player must take the impact test. It only needs to be taken 1x in your career. Transfers, players new to the program and incoming freshman
should take the test ASAP (prior to try outs!). It is used to evaluate possible concussions. It takes about 20 mins. You generally CAN NOT do it on your phone.
Click this link: www.impacttestonline.com/schools
Enter this code: 941B4DE8E8
Manasquan High School Boys Soccer Team Guidelines and Rules:
- You must exhibit total commitment and respect for your family. Your level of participation in the MHS Boys Soccer program could be impacted if your family deems it necessary.
- You must follow Manasquan High School rules, regulations and protocol at ALL times – on and off the field. MHS Administration, Athletic Department and MHS Boys coaching staff will hold all players accountable for knowing and adhering to all school rules.
- The Manasquan Boys Soccer coaching staff expects every player to treat team mates, coaches, administrators, teachers, refs, spectators, supporters and opponents the way you want to be treated.
Specific rules:
1. a) on time = 15 mins early to reporting time for training, matches and team functions.
2. b) all players must be dressed to practice the day prior to a match.
3. c) all players must respect all personal and school equipment at all times.
4. d). all other team rules and regulations will be dealt with internally by the MHS Boys coaching staff.
*** Your starting position, playing time off the bench, playing at all or place in the team will be jeopardized if any of the above guidelines and rules are breached.
Tom McGill
Manasquan High School BOYS SOCCER
732 245 6299
Head Coach: Tom McGillAssistant Coaches: JV - Mark Levy, Freshman - Zack SavacoolVarsity Assistants - Jim Crines and Jeff Algor. Goalkeeper Coach - Jack LongContact Us: tmcgill@manasquan.k12.nj.us732 245 6299SuperintendentDR. KAYSANAthletic DirectorDon BramleyManasquan Public Schools169 Broad StreetManasquan, NJ 08736732-528-8800