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    "Learning without thought is perilous, but teaching without thought is a waste of time."
    - Confucius
    Email Address: ppuryear@manasquan.k12.nj.us
    Phone number: 732-528-8820 Ext. 1676






    BS Developmental Psychology - University of Hawaii at Manoa
    BS Developmental Psychology - University of Hawaii
    BA Elementary Education / Special Education K-12 - Graceland University
    MEd Literacy - Chaminade University of Honolulu
    MSEd Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment - Walden University
    EdD, Administrative Leadership for Teaching and Learning - Walden University
    Dr. Puryear has been teaching at Manasquan High School since 2005.  She taught prior to that in her home state of Hawaii.  She is highly qualified in Biology and General Science.  The classes she teaches includes: Advanced Lab Biology ICR, LLD Biology, LLD Earth Science, and LLD Environmental Science.


    Hawaiian Paddle Dancer Monday, January 20, 2025 12:59:58 AM