• Welcome to Mr. LaCarrubba's homepage!

    Contact Info:
    email: jlacarrubba@manasquan.k12.nj.us
    phone: 732-528-8820 ext. 1884

    Image result for college of charleston logo

    College of Charleston - BA Hisotry/Secondary Education

    Image result for kean university logo

    Kean University - Teacher of Students with Disabilities

     About Mr. LaCarrubba

    • Classes taught this year
      • Study Skills - Period 1
      • Algebra II w/ Mr. Minutoli - Period 2
      • Algebra II w/ Mr. Snyder - Period 3 & 7
      • Algebra I Concepts with Mr. Buss - Period 8
    • This is my third year at Manasquan High School.
    • Prior to teaching at MHS, I taught at Spring Lake Heights and HW Mountz Elementary schools.
    • This is my 11th year as coach of the Surf Team, with 5 State Championships.
    • During the summer, I work at Summertime Surf School as the camp manager  in Belmar and a weekend instructor in Asbury Park, so come say hi!


    • D Days - Room 208

    * Extra help is available in Room 208 or 570 after dismissal  depending on where I teach my last class. Please let me know if you are planning to come for extra help so that I can make myself available for you.

    • 2:30 - 3:15 - Monday
    • 2:30 - 3:00 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
     Manasquan High School Surf Team 