
    COMING SOON!  Here is a brief background for those interested:  


              Thank you for your interest in helping out Manasquan’s young English language learners.  Homework Club has been meeting for about ten years.  It was originally run by St. Mark’s Church with adults from the church as volunteers.  At that time, we met two days a week.  For the past several years, we have been meeting on Wednesdays from 3:00-3:45 with high school students as volunteers.  The children absolutely love Homework Club and become very attached to the students who come regularly!  All of the children speak some English and it is not necessary to know Spanish in order to volunteer.

                COMING SOON --> Please complete the form above (using the link) so that I can determine if I will have enough help to continue the program.  I know that some students have periods of time when they may be unable to attend due to sports or other activities, and I ask that you specify those times.  If there are days that you are sick or have other conflicts, please let me know as soon as possible via e-mail.  We have close to 45 children who attend each week and there is no way to help them without enough volunteers.

                I know that you will find this to be a fun and rewarding experience!  It is great to put on your college applications and to mention when applying for scholarships!  I look forward to working with you this year!