• Manasquan High School

    Student Assistance Counselor
    Leigh Busco MSW, SAC
    (732) 528-8820 ext. 1048

    Student Assistance Counselor Program 


    Student assistance programs are designed to help students and their families with problems affecting their personal lives and academic performance. The Student Assistance Counselor’s (SAC) role is to enhance and support students’ success in the school environment. There are a range of school-based prevention and intervention services offered to assist students with personal problems and encourage them to build upon their strengths.




    The Student Assistance Counselor (SAC) provides in-school assessment, crisis intervention, counseling and referral services to any student who may be experiencing personal, family, and/or peer difficulties. The goal is to support the students and prevent personal difficulties from interfering with their success in school. In addition, to individual services, groups are offered depending on needs in the school community.  The SAC also assists in Parent Education programs.


    Concerns that students may seek assistance for may include, but are not limited to:

    Depression                                                   Anxiety

    Grief/Loss                                                    Crisis Management

    Family Changes                                           Self-Harming

    Divorce                                                        Substance Abuse

    Anger                                                           Social Skills

    Bullying                                                       Self-Esteem

    Eating Disorders                                        Abuse/Neglect                                           





    All counseling services are confidential. When students seek help on their own they are encouraged to share this with their families. Parents are not contacted unless an assessment indicates a safety risk. This would include a student who is in danger of harming him or herself, harming someone else, or is being harmed by another individual.


    How to Make a Referral 

    ·        Students may self-refer and come in to see the counselor at any time during the school day, although students are encouraged to visit during their study hall periods.

    ·        Students can confidentially refer other students who may be in need of support. 

    ·        Students may be referred by school administration, guidance,

    nurse, or any other school staff member that has identified an area of concern.

    ·        Parents who have concerns about any non-academic issues may contact the Student Assistance Counselor directly. The SAC will assist in determining the best course of action for your child.

    ·        Please feel free to call or email with any questions or concerns.