School Calendar Updates
The school calendar for the 2024-2025 school year is available here.
The school calendar for the 2025-2026 school year is now available here.
MES Headlines & Features
Congratulations to our Educators of the Year!
Congratulations to Manasquan School District's Educators of the Year!
MES October Respectful Warriors
Congratulations to our Warriors who exemplified the quality of being Respectful during October!
MES September Kind Warriors
Congratulations to our Warriors who exemplified Kindness throughout September!
Girls Basketball Wins 2023 MCAL Championship
Congratulations to our Manasquan Elementary School Girls Basketball Team!
Congratulations to our NJHS 2021 Inductees!
Congratulations to our 2021 MES National Junior Honor Society Inductees
MHS Headlines & Features
The Clipper 2024
The Clipper allows everyone's candle of imagination to shine and make life a little brighter. There are so many emotions that are expressed in this publication. Prepare to be dazzled by what the members of MHS can produce!
Congratulations to our Educators of the Year!
Congratulations to Manasquan School District's Educators of the Year!
MHS Student-Athletes Sign NLI to Play in College!
Sixteen MHS student-athletes sign their National Letters of Intent to continue their careers at the collegiate level.
2023 Fall Sports Divisional Champions
Congratulations to MHS Field Hockey, Girls Tennis, Boys Soccer and Girls Soccer!
MHS Named to AP Honor Roll
Congratulations to Manasquan High School teachers and students for earning a place on the College Board's AP Honor Roll for 2022-2023!
Warrior Wednesday
In this edition, we meet the senior class student council reps and discuss Homecoming, Powder Puff, and the Freshman/Sophomore Semi-Formal.
Podcaster of the Month
Improv for Ron, The Summer My Grandmother’s Lawn Tried to Kill Me, ping pong, sports, movies, and more! Our podcaster of the month, senior, Cael Driscoll, covered it all in his interview with Mr. Harvey about his many endeavors.
History Club Creates New Page!
The Manasquan High School History Club has been busy organizing all the old yearbooks. Along the way, we found a bunch of old photos, notes, letters, and more, which we have put on display in the hallway. We are also archiving all the issues of “The Blue and Gray”, “The Clipper”, and “Warrior”. These documents date back several decades and contain a wealth of historical information and photos. We encourage you to take a look and explore the rich history of our school!