• Manasquan Schools Development Fund

    Warrior Way - Brick Fundraiser 

    The MSDF is selling personalized bricks to be displayed along our newest project, Warrior Way!  Warrior Way will run on the north side of the high school from the parking lot up to the football field.  
    As you can see in the rendering below, the dark gray bricks along the border are those that will be personalized.  

    We offer two size options:
    4x8 brick with 3 lines of personalization for $100
    8x8 brick with 6 lines of personalization for $250

    If you are interested in purchasing a brick, please click here to complete the order form: 

    Manasquan Schools Development Fund Tile Order Form - Donor Ordering Site (brickmarkers.com) 

    If you have any questions, please email: msdf@manasquan.k12.nj.us


Warrior way